New Beginnings 2022
This past year has been a roller coaster with everything that has been going on at home and around the world. We are all feeling the impacts of climate change, the devastating discoveries at residential schools throughout Canada, and all while dealing with the pandemic. It was not quite the year we had hoped for. Like many of you, I am really looking forward to 2022.
As I reflect on this past year, I realize I took the time to make big steps in my personal and business life. It felt great to rebrand, introduce Eagle Point Coaching and create a brand that will grow with me. I have also done some amazing work with clients this year and enjoyed watching them grow and accomplish their goals.
In the fall of 2021, I started to make plans and envision what 2022 will look like for me. Some goals I plan to accomplish:
Professionally, I plan to launch my new online course this spring, “How To Start and Grow a Business in British Columbia”. I am excited to collaborate with industry experts and create a seamless course for entrepreneurs to learn everything they need to develop and grow a business.
Personally, as of early December, I started a new chapter without alcohol and plan to remain alcohol-free for 6 months, perhaps longer. I am looking forward to deepening my spiritual connection, focusing on my health, broadening my perspective on life, and increasing my awareness.
I find when setting goals, it helps to create manageable, shorter-term objectives; long enough to see the benefits of our hard work, but make larger goals less daunting. Once we reach each milestone, we can reflect on the positive impact on our lives and feel energized to continue.
With this method in mind, I plan to pour the extra mental, emotional, and physical energy into creating my course and personal growth. Although the future is always unpredictable, I know regardless I am going to make 2022 a great year by focusing on what I can control and taking steps to make my dreams a reality.
I wish you all a Happy New Year and the best year yet!
If you're ready to get your dream career or business off the ground and design your ideal life, then send me a message to inquire about private 1-on-1 coaching.
Take care and I look forward to hearing from you.
Ash Enns